Friday, November 26, 2010

No Man is an Island

The poem No Man is an Island by Donne is a poem full of emotions. The island is symbolizing someone being isolated and detached from all the rest. They feel like they are all alone and part of nothing. Donne is saying that everyone is connected in a way and everyone makes a difference in the world. Mankind should stand as one, as a whole. Everyone is important and everyone counts. The quote "Every mans death diminishes me," makes me think that even with only one man's death it slowly breaks him down. The word obligation comes from the Latin root meaning 'ligare', it bind together. Donne suggests that we are all tied together, and connected as a whole.

Mankind is no island by Jason Van Genderen has the same idea as No man is an Island by Donne, It's saying that there are many people in the world who aren't noticed and are lonely and feel isolated from everyone else. In the video there were homeless people who needed help, no one glanced at them. Or even took the time to smile. No one cared. I think if people were more caring and thoughtful to the people around them, the world would be a better place.

I chose this picture because it represents a busy crowd of people who don't notice anything around them and are just focused on their lives. Then you can see one person smiling and that's all it takes to cheer up one person, like a homeless person, is it really that hard just to take the time to smile or say hello?

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