Thursday, November 18, 2010

Forgive but not Forget

Famire's childhood has really shaped her as a person. She has learned to let go, forgive, but not forget.

During the Kosovo war Fatmire was only a young girl. She had to leave her village and hide at a dump for months so the soilders wouldn't find her and her family. She lost her brother and sister and still to this day she hasn't heard anything from them. When the war was over and she came back to her village, everything was wrecked, destroyed and burnt down. She thought she would never forgive the people who wrecked her village for what they had done. She hated them. But then shortly after that she met a man, she learned about peace and forgiveness, the things some people still haven't learned today. They shortly started a program called Kids for Peace Club. She taught kids around the world all about peace and shared her story as a young girl.

Fatmire hasn't forgot about the war, her village, her sister and brother, but she has learned to forgive, not forget.

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