Thursday, November 18, 2010

Aung Sang Suu Kyi

Aung Sang Suu Kyi is a pro-democracy leader of Burma. She is a women who stands up for what she believes in, for what is right. She is a strong and powerful person who made many sacrifices for her country.

To many, Aung Sang Suu Kyi is a hero. To others, she disobeyed the law and should have kept her mouth shut in the first place. For standing up for her country and people she was sent to 15 to 21 years of house arrest and was just recently released. After being locked in her house for 15 years Aung Snag Suu Kyi hasn't complained at all, she considers herself lucky that she wasn't thrown in jail, as some others were.

Aung Sang Suu Kyi had to make a life changing decision of either her country or people, or her husband and two kids. In her situation she chose her country, she took a risked and she followed her fathers foot steps and fought against democracy. In the end she never got to say good bye to her husband as he dyed of cancer, she also wasn't able to see her children and watch them grow, but what she did do, was become a stronger person, she became a hero.

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