Saturday, November 27, 2010

Everything Makes a Differnece

Everything makes a difference, even the smallest things that we think dont matter. But really, everything makes an impact on someones life. In Jesus Colons situation, he was at the subway, and it was late, really late. He came across a lady who had her hands full, she had 3 kids and a big luggage. It was clear that she needed help. But Jesus Colon wasn't sure if he should offer his help or not, he was black, but being Puerto Rican his people strongly believe in curtisy and helping one another. The women could take it the wrong way and think that he was trying to kidnapp her kids or steal her belongings. and did he really want to risk that? In the end Jesus Colon didn't help, he walked right passed her, as if he didn't even notice her. Later this was one of his biggest regrets, thinking back to this moment, he will never know if he could've helped this women in need.

I chose this painting because it represents all these puzzle pieces and you have to stick by what you feel is right and what you believe in. You have to complete the puzzle to find yourself and who you are.

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