Saturday, August 21, 2010


My name is Sophia Christine Donnelly. Sophia comes from the Greek origin meaning wisdom. My parents decided to name me Sophia because at the time they were living in Ferrol, Spain. The queens name was Sophia Magaret Victoria Frederic. They named me after her, and my middle name is Christine because that is my moms first name. I've always liked my name, it's easy to spell, not too long, not too short and I think it suits me well. The way that my parents came up with my name I think is really cool! I never really had any nicknames, but all my best friends in the U.S call me Soph. Alot of people get confused and call me Sophie, I like being called Sophia the best though. I love my name!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 Items

My dog, my piano, my laptop, a soccer ball, a sunset photo, a running shoe, sushi, shells from the beach, my charm bracelet and a Boston Red Sox Shirt. This is me in 10 items. I chose these because I feel like these items best sum up who I am.

I have been playing piano for 2 years now and I really enjoy it. At one point I was going to quit because it was too hard and each time I tried so hard I just couldn't get it right, I was really disappointed. But I kept on trying and trying, then I improved more and more, and in the end it I was really proud of myself.

The shells symbolize the beach, I love the beach, especially Jericho Beach in my hometown Scituate Massachusetts. My family just bought a summer house on the beach, it's really nice to live on the water, I love when we all eat dinner outside on the deck, and there's a nice breeze, and the water is always so beautiful, I really look forward to even the littlest things like that when I go back to Scituate in the summer.

I love watching sunsets, since I live on the beach its so cool to watch the sun slowly go down and shine against the water and see the sky change to all these beautiful colors.

The shoe shows that I am very athletic and I do lots of sports. I play tennis, soccer, basketball and I also do swimming. I love to do Track and Field because I love running and competing against others.

The soccer ball shows that my favorite sport is soccer, I just started playing last year and this year I signed up for U-15 soccer. I really enjoy the sport and I keep on improving and improving.

The charm bracelet is extra special to me, all the charms symbolize different things about me, my mom gave it to me when I got home from my first Malaysia Week at ISKL.

Sushi is my favorite thing to eat! I first tried it when I moved to Singapore, because in the U.S I never ate it. My favorite kind of sushi is cucumber with soy sauce, whick is called Kapa, YUM!

I chose my laptop because I like going on Facebook and Skyping my friends, I got my own laptop for my birthday this year in the U.S. I really wanted to get a Apple computer because there are so many different and cool things you can do on it.

Last I chose a Boston Red Sox shirt because I love the Boston Red Sox! I'm from Massachusetts and I go there every summer and winter break. I went to my first game this summer, it was so much fun! Even though they lost it was a awesome experience! And to just see the game up close was amazing! We had unbelievable seats too. This is me in 1o items!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The quote I chose was "Life is how you make it, always has been, always will be." I chose this because you choose how you want your life to be, if you have a good attitude about something then things will work out good, if u have a bad attitude about something then things will be bad, You have the power to control your life, you can make the wrong decisions or the right ones. And sometimes you mess up along the way but as long as you learn from the mistakes, that's the important thing. I think this quote is extremely important and it has a lot of meaning to me.

I think a life is similar to a road, there are sometimes bumps when things don't go exactly as planned, and that it's a journey of experiences, memory's, and even really good times and really sad times.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Compliment Guy

Everyone wants to be complimented. It makes you feel good, it brightens up your day. Its very sad but nowadays people are just dying to have something nice said about them, and if people just stopped and took one second of their day to do that, I think the world would be a better place. The world today seems so cruel at times and I wonder if everyone just started to be kinder to each other, how it could change the world. I can only imagine if just a simple compliment made those people feel so good then why don't people do it more often. It's so easy to just say something nice about someone, and the best part is that not only does it make the person feel good, it makes you feel good too.

I really love this painting above because to me it represents compliments. I think that because of all the unique colors and lines and how crazy it is. It makes me think that everyone has something special that they can be complimented in, even if it's the littlest thing like their hat or purse.

Matt Harding

I couldn't stop smiling throughout this video of Matt Harding dancing around the world. It left such a good feeling inside, and it made me realize that it doesn't matter what nationality you are, or where you live in this world everyone wants to let loose and have fun. But sadly today I think people are forgetting how to enjoy life. I was amazed at how much happiness Matt brought to people by just simply dancing. It brought people together, it made people feel good. I think people have to start realizing the similarities instead of the differences, and if people open their eyes wide enough to do that, this world would be a better place.

I think this paintings shows that all of us are one family under the same sky, and that it doesn't matter where your from or anything like that, its that we are all similar in ways then we are different