Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On the nights of November 9th and 10th 1938, Nazi gangs came and demolished the Jewish villages, they burnt houses, destroyed shops and buissness and left nothing behind then shattered glass everywhere. This is known as Kristallnact. Krsitall meaning crystal and nacht meaning night. No one had the courage ton stand up or fight back because everyone knew how much Hitler and his Nazi's were capable of.

In class we read an article that really stood out to me. It was about a boy named Andre. He went to the Hitler Youth Organization. There, he and thousand other young boys and girls were taught to be completely dedicated to there master, the Fuhrer. One day when Andre came home he told his parents that he had been told to throw stones and rocks at the Jewish children and shops. He didn't know what to do, and wasn't sure if he wanted to participate in this, he nothing on them, and neither did anyone. But he was told to. He had to make a decision. And in the end he decided that he didn't want to take part in in. His family knew that if he made that decision then they would leave Germany, and so they did.

Andre was one of the very very few that didn't just except what was going on. He decided to take action and did what he felt was right. I think that if more people were like him then Hitler and his Nazis wouldn't have kept on gaining more and more power. Many people just excepted all of it, all of the nasty things that were said and done towards the Jews, many had lack of interest because they weren't being targeted and it didn't involve them.

Hitler made soo much propaganda, He was also very biased. He said so many horrible things about the Jews with no explanation to make his accusations up. Here is a poster that was painted at the time of the Holocaust.

Learning Profile

In Humanities today we learned about what type of learner we are. Most people wonder why in the world would someone would need to know that. But it is really useful and helpful to know what helps you learn best. For me I like to be able to move around, do sports, participate in activities with partners and groups such as acting stuff out in groups related to the topics that we are studying and also discussing and learning in head to head groups. I find it easier to learn visually then reading instructions. I also enjoy playing with clay and doodling but sometimes I can get really get distracted.

My learning profile is DD. I basically learn best when I do activities and groups and is able to move around. When I get stressed it’s extremily hard for me to focus in class. I usually block everything out and won’t be able to put my full effort and attention in whatever we are doing in class.

Some thing I would want my teacher to know about me is that I can get easily distracted,I really really enjoy group activities, I don’t really mid where I sit in class but I like to have a good view of the board. I like doing the chapter visually for the books we read in class for the Boy in the Striped Pajamas or the Hunger Games, it helps me understand the books better and I think it’s pretty fun to draw and write.

Learning my Profile really helped me know how i can improve and be a better student in class.