Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eboo Patel

Eboo Patel is an Indian man who grew up in America through his childhood. As a kid he refused to have anything to do with the Indian culture, language, food , and tradition. One day when he went to the gym their were 3 basketball games going on. He noticed that the games were separated by nationality, there was an asian, black and white game. This made him realize that his whole life he's played on the white team, he had almost become part of the American race. He realized that he had lost a very important part of him, his Indian nationality, he had lost a part of his identity.

Patel created an organization called Interfaith Youth Core Organization which helps bring together and connect all different kids from different parts of the world.

Thxa Soe

Thxa Soe is a Burmese hip-hop group. They use traditional Burmese music and tie in some hip hop. Through using music they express how they feel and pour tons of emotions and feelings into their songs. Some of the songs were about unfairness towards the Burmese people from the government. They believed that having a voice and expressing how you feel is always the right thing to do. The authorities found some of their songs disrespectful and directly aimed at them. They banned Thxa Soe from playing their music, They refused to leave Burma because they wanted to stand up in what they believe in. Although the government stopped them from completing their music to the best, they still had a voice and stood up for what was right which I think is the more important then anything else. Aung Sang Suu Kyi was also in the same situation as Thxa Soe, she had a voice and all because she stood up for what she believed in she was sent to house arrest. Aung Sang Suu Kyi and Thxa Soe both had a voice and because of that they were punished. Do you think that fair?

I chose this painting because I thought that all the colors represent all the different feelings being put into there music. Also the piano repersented music


The painting Guernica by Picasso is a painting that sums up everything that was going on when Germany bombed Guernica. In this painting people are lying on the ground and screaming, everything is very crowded and busy, The color consists of only grey white and black which I think expresses the mood and emotion going on. Something that really stands out to me in this painting is a big light towards the top left corner. I think Picasso was trying to show how the spotlight was shining on the bombing of Guernica and also that the German bombers wanted the whole world know what was going on, and what was happening. Something else that stands out to me is this person is looking out their window with a candle in there hand. The person looks scared and horrified and confused at whats going on. This painting really shows a disaster and chaos.